Workcover is an insurance scheme for work related injuries.
It is there to compensate you for various related items such as lost wages and medical expenses. It sits in the legal space so is very complex and can be difficult to navigate. I provide counselling, as well as guide and support you through these processes.
I recommend one specialist Consulting Lawyer.
This puts me in the unique position of providing:
* Counselling.
* Specific knowledgeable support navigating the
complex Workcover processes.
* Connection with a caring legal representative if needed.
Step 1: Book Session 1. 60 minutes. You will need all your information with you including relevant paperwork.
Step 2. Book Session 2. 60 minutes. We review all the information, create a plan, connect you with a specialized Consulting lawyer if desired. We talk.
Step 3. Ongoing sessions. These are 60 or 30 mins as needed. You can book as required. We can discuss how you are, but also support you, and guide you with the processes you will encounter.
See Fees & Bookings Tab for Booking information.